Monday, October 26, 2020

Quebec: The Shrine of St Anne de Beaupre

Saint Anne de Beaupre is probably the most famous shrine in North America; certainly, it is the most famous in Canada. It began as a simple sailor’s chapel dedicated to Ste. Anne and has grown into a magnificent basilica that is visited by the faithful from around the world. 

I have to admit that I have always had a fascination with Ste. Anne, even before I realized that I am related to three recipients of miracles at the shrine. Actually, the first miracle was given to Louis Guimont and the best translation calls it a terrible pain in his back. He was totally cured as he placed 3 stones into the foundation of the chapel as it was being built. This was in 1658, unfortunately, his cure didn’t stop him from being killed by the Iroquois in 1661.

The Present Basilica is the fifth church to be built here. It is a magnificent sight as you drive up along the river and I was even more impressed when I viewed it at a distance from the Ile d'Orleans. It dwarfs everything else in the neighborhood. The twin spires frame a statue of Ste. Anne that was salvaged from the previous church, which was lost to fire in 1922. What you notice first about the interior of the Basilica are all the crutches that are hung on the wall in mute testimony to the many cures that have occurred here. Mass goes on almost unceasingly here, mostly in French and there are thousands of candles burning in supplication. I had a hard time finding a spot to place mine.

There is a memorial chapel to the side of the basilica and there are lots of memorial plaques, I dragged my family through the two chapels to read the names of all of our relatives. On the hill, there are life-size stations of the cross and the truly devote climb up the stairs to them on their knees. That part is optional. The Redemptorists took over the care of the Basilica over 100 years ago and there is always someone available to hear confession or just to talk. They are in a small building close to the parking lot.

It goes without saying that they have a fabulous gift shop. It isn’t just the religious items that draw people here (though they have a wide and high-quality selection). People come to the gift shop to buy genealogy books. The series Nos Ancetres (Our Ancestors) is published in Ste. Anne and the latest volume is usually available here in both French and English. Be warned the English version is about twice as expensive. I have all 30 volumes in French.

Ste. Anne de Beaupre is about 22 miles east of Quebec and an easy drive from the city. If you want to come for lunch or dinner there are plenty of restaurants.

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